28 million people are trapped in forced labor
Are they making your products?
Forced labor is deeply embedded in the supply chains of the products we use every day – our coffee, our clothes, our phones. It’s a reality so devastating, yet so hidden in the shadows, we don’t even question it. But once you see it, you can’t unsee it.
The question is: will you dare to look?
The Human Thread Foundation is an international organization founded by acclaimed humanitarian photographer Lisa Kristine. Our mission is to promote human dignity by actively working to eliminate human trafficking and modern slavery. We raise awareness and leverage our awareness initiatives to inspire and drive action among policymakers, corporations, and community activists through strategic partnerships.
We envision a world that is unified through imagery – where one can educate one’s mind and foster compassion. We seek to ignite ideas that promote understanding and build a bridge of global peace. Human connection and the importance of respect in our world are central to our vision; we hope to create and distribute compelling visual storytelling about humanity that brings the world closer. We inspire connection, education and change. We aspire to touch and enhance the lives of millions of viewers worldwide through our work.
The Human Thread Foundation encourages values such as integrity, compassion, collaboration and commitment through engagement with our partners, our supporters, and most importantly, the subjects featured in our work. These are values that contribute to respect and peace, locally, nationally and globally.
We stand for
8.5% of EU companies are at risk of having child or forced labor in the first tier of their supply chains, about 82.4% are likely to have such offenders at the second tier and more than 99.1% have such offenders at the third tier
Are you one of them?
In this dusty brickyard, two children cling to each other for comfort—a quiet yet powerful reminder that no child’s world should be built on forced labor. We can’t look away; we must stand with them for freedom.
Amid mountains of trash, they gather scraps to survive—a stark reminder of the hidden price we pay for cheap goods and fast convenience. Let their determination spark our collective call to end forced labor.
This Lisa Kristine photograph was made possible by the Hewlett Packard Enterprise Foundation in partnership with Human Thread Foundation to eradicate slavery and human trafficking.
Behind these floral curtains, two young women gather the courage to share their stories. Their resilience is a gentle but powerful reminder that forced labor thrives in the shadows. Let their voices guide us toward a future where every supply chain upholds human dignity.”
Are you ready to take the step?
We want to reach 100 million people with our message that we need to respect the human dignity of all people. We can’t do this alone. Here is how you can help.
Build Awareness, Promote Education, Inspire Action
News & Updates
HPE Discovery Forum 2024, Las Vegas, USA
At the HPE Discovery Summit, Lisa shared powerful images depicting modern slavery alongside COO [...]
World Economic Forum 2024, Davos, Switzerland
Lisa Kristine attended the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in January 2024. Her [...]
18th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, Pyeongchang, South Korea, December 2022
Joy Ngoma, Lisa Kristine - Presenting a workshop on the Power of Visual Storytelling [...]
Speaking at the Interparliamentary Summit of Global Leaders- Westminster Hall, London, August 2023
Lisa presented to Parliamentary members, legislators, and executive decision-makers from over 40 countries to [...]