Nearly every stage in the smartphone life cycle involves something ethically questionable. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images via BigThink) The fact that smartphones [...]
A young boy is forced to carry stone in Nepal. Photo: Lisa Kristine/Human Thread Foundation The government passed a master plan that prohibits [...]
This young girl at a potato farm is one of hundreds of typical child slaves. (Martin Jay /TRTWorld) Mohamed is only 11 years [...]
Bulgarian citizens were kept as slaves and forced to beg in France. Yesterday, French police detained 11 people in Toulouse. All of them are Bulgarian [...]
Photo/Polaris Project Polaris released a report analyzing data from the National Human Trafficking Hotline that spotlights how human traffickers are weaponizing structural flaws within the [...]
Frozen tuna are loaded onto a truck at Dong Gang Wholesale fish market, Dong Gang, Kaohsiung. Investigators from New Zealand are behind a [...]
In a historic and unprecedented development in the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA), the Government of Bahrain has established the first assistance fund [...]
Known for unveiling the latest sneakers from Adidas and Nike on his YouTube channel, American vlogger Jacques Slade has unboxed a pair of trainers with [...]
More than 3,000 businesses in Australia would be forced to disclose how they tackle the threat of modern slavery under a proposed law hailed by [...]
A Bay Point man convicted of torture, rape and human trafficking compared his own plight to that of Nelson Mandela’s, before a Contra Costa County [...]
Photo: Lisa Kristine/Human Thread Foundation A new report published today looks in detail at what research is being undertaken about modern slavery in [...]
Bottles of Coca-Cola Co. soda is displayed for sale. Photographer: Luke Sharrett/Bloomberg Forced labor and workers' rights violations are a pernicious problem worldwide. [...]
AFP Photo/Tauseef MUSTAFA - Afghan Azira The Afghan High Commission to Combat Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants (TIP Commission) launched a [...]
Photo: eurokinissi / NIKOLOPOULOS ANTONIS Labour trafficking is on the rise across Europe and has overtaken sexual exploitation as the predominant form of [...]
Britain is uncovering more cases of slavery from the sex trade to car washes but it is not doing enough to jail traffickers, support victims [...]
The LatestJeffrey2023-11-13T09:21:24-08:00